FFTA joined our local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) food co-op this winter. Our aim was to freshen up our dull winter palate with farm-fresh meat, milk and produce. All the while we’d be supporting local farmers, ranchers and dairies many who are out of season.
With the CSA share, you know what you’re going to pick up every two weeks. But in one recent week’s allotment I discovered celeriac. I dumped the produce on the counter. But days passed and I wasn’t sure what to do with the fantastically gnarly roots of celeriac that seemed alive. They were beginning to age and were clamoring for attention on my counter top. With a little online research, Jamie Oliver’s recipe for a vegetable “Allotment Cottage Pie” happily swam into my search algorithm.
Jamie’s recipe includes the mysterious and bulbous celeriac – a rather under-appreciated root vegetable harvested in fall and winter. It is also known as celery root or knob celery. Happily, the results were superlative. Here is the delicious vegetarian recipe that I interpreted, Oliver’s Allotment Cottage Pie. It is a worthy dish easy to make and which the whole gang can enjoy. It’s so good that if you’re into root vegetables, this recipe will be made on repeat.
Alternatively, if you prefer a delicious and meaty shepherd’s pie recipe, check out FFTA’s Cottage Pie – Great Taste in the Guise of Leftovers